Defining and protecting Craft Cannabis in Washington State


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We need you to email your representatives in support of this bill!


Anyone who is interested in seeing this bill progress, whether to support it as-is or to engage in a public debate about it: please take a moment and email your Reps in support! 

At the bottom of this post, we’ve included a link to find your local Rep. We need to reach out to them and let them know why this bill matters to our industry and our community.


The key points of this bill and what we need to remind representation of include:

  • Gives small farmers the opportunity to strengthen their businesses and be better partners for the retail system. Retailers who depend on small farms to differentiate their offerings from the big guys won't have that chance if all the small farms go out of business or get bought out.

  • Improves access to quality information, education and transparency for consumers. Public safety is dependent on the public understanding what it is they're interacting with— in our current framework, misinformation wins the day. We need to make structural changes for this reality to improve. 

  • Makes Washington a leader in supporting, defining, and creating the first Craft Cannabis industry. As this model proves itself and other states look to us for advice, we'll have compelling lessons to share.

  • Establishes a framework for including other business types into the craft economy. This could include farmer’s markets, social consumption, special-use permits for events, and many other interesting ideas that have no space to be deliberated and implemented in the current environment. 

Please use this site to find the name and contact information of your state representative


Interested in sharing your testimony with the House Commerce & Gaming Committee directly?
This is especially important for industry members most impacted by this bill
[see below for contact info]

Kloba, Shelley (D)

Wicks, Emily (D)
Vice Chair:

MacEwen, Drew (R)
Ranking Minority Member:

Robertson, Eric (R)
Assistant Ranking Minority Member:

Chambers, Kelly (R):

Kirby, Steve (D):

Morgan, Melanie (D):

Vick, Brandon (R):

Wylie, Sharon (D):